
Become your Authentic Self, purchase a Runecast from Moon Mullan.

The Inward Journey Begins with the Self...


By the Dawn's Horizon

Choose your General Reading: 
  • 1 Card Reading, $10
  • 3 Card Reading, $15
  • 5 Card Reading, $25

By the Setting Twilight

Choose a Traditional Reading:
  • Past, Present, Future Reading, $20
  • By the Ancients Reading, $45
  • The Authentic Self Spread Reading, $60

In the Air of Midnight

Choose a Runic Guidance Reading:
  • Path of the Soul Reading, $30
  • Thor's Destiny Reading, $45
  • Threshold of Adventure Reading, $60
  • Spiritual Warrior Reading, $75


Digital Art

For an inspirational bind rune at the end of your reading, please note that a bind rune will cost extra in these ranges per package and reading. Please inquire about an estimate before the reading because the artwork is nonrefundable.

  • By the Dawn's Horizon, add $5-15
  • By the Setting Twilight, add $10-25
  • In the Air of Midnight, add $20-35


Readings can be done by email or private messaging.

For specific questions, please ask about our private consultation readings and prices via our private messaging on our social media pages. Depending on how in depth the question, per hour readings begin at $65 and go up from there. 

Thank you.